If you see a credit that's wrong, or know that one that you've already written/submitted is not listed here, please email copy immediately to pgcopy(at)newbigdragon(dot)com. (PLEASE NOTE: If you share this email, please share it as it appears here and do not add a "mailto:" link; I want to be able to keep this address up as long as possible for this project, and would prefer that the spam-crawlers not find it; thanks for understanding.)
New/unwritten gods will not be accepted, except by express permission (or this book will never get done).
GOD NAME | Writer:First | Writer:Last |
Abondiance | E.T. | Smith |
Adassec | Igor Vinicius | Sartorato |
Aglaos | Evan | Van Elkins |
Aglet | Stuart | Roe |
Amber Blood Sword | Chris | Tamm |
Ammon Thrax | Gavin | Norman |
Anwyn Wood | Andrew | Crenshaw |
Apar the Bright | Ash | Law |
Ariphas | Katherine | Ausborn |
Arolohnso | Brian A. | Cooper |
Arvirive | Eric | Fabiaschi |
Aspix | Benjamin | Ball |
Atanuwe | Greg | Gorgonmilk |
Atra | Jonathan | Bingham |
Aþ | Mike “Carlson” | Davis |
Attrecoppea | Ragnar | Arneson |
Audrum | Matthew W. | Schmeer |
Aurus Argentus | Patrick | Wetmore |
Austura | Craig | Schwarze |
Averted Onlooker | Logan | Knight |
Avirgiri | Eric | Fabiaschi |
Azwa | Garrett | Weinstein |
Baj'Lique | James | Garrison |
Barococar | Matt | Fischer |
Bartleby | Patrick | Kennedy |
Bashiuus | M.T. | Black |
Beast of Unbidden Challenges | Nathan | Cohen |
Behzd | Luigi | Castellani |
Beng | Rob | Griffin |
Beorl | Alan | Brodie |
Berenedril | Terje | Nordin |
Blentry | Porky | |
Boden | Eric | Campbell |
Bogrump | Chris | Tamm |
Bokrug | Nicolas | Senac |
Boulubek | Keith | Sloan |
Bubulmax | Tim | Stephens |
Chaugnar Faugn | Richard J. | LeBlanc, Jr. |
Chel-Kloth | David | Haraldson |
Chelk (see Chelk and Jodj) | ||
Chelk and Jodj | Justin | Dunnuck |
Chicxulub | John Everett | Till |
Choozwiz | (Christian) | Rorschachhamster |
Chu-bu | Keith | Sloan |
Chulg | Thomas | Fitzgerald |
Churfaz | Greg | Gorgonmilk |
Clavibor | Antoine Marc | Belle |
Clerchad | Mike "Carlson" | Davis |
Clobrek | Antoine Marc | Belle |
Coprolias | Peter | Regan |
Corotus Thallian | Jonah & Paul | Brinkmann |
Crom | James | Mishler |
Cunnian | Mike "Carlson" | Davis |
Curdle | Matt | Schmeer |
Cuvoun | Eric | Potter |
Davy Jones | Jonathan | Becker |
Deeker | Al | Krombach |
Dekardinis | Tim | Stephens |
Derral-Orth | Ash | Law |
Detriax | James | Mac Bride |
Digiskleros | E.T. | Smith |
Diit’Wentii | Legion | |
Dinud | Sean | Holland |
Diplodias | Dave | Traube |
Divine Worm | Logan | Knight |
Dogasfos | Igor | Sartorato |
Drasheeng | Trey | Causey |
Elder Elemental | Richard J. | LeBlanc, Jr. |
Ellsbeth | James | Smith |
Eraisho | Eric | Wirsing |
E’rsae | Sean | Wills |
Expiurge | Porky | |
Eye of Vengalate | Ash | Law |
Fallen One | Richard J. | LeBlanc, Jr. |
Fattu Feri | Paul | Ballard |
Feloren | Jens | Durke |
Fimtakar | Stephen | Bartok |
Flissik | Malcom | Bowers |
Floog | Malcom | Bowers |
Fluxalle | Michael | Smith |
Fubar | Darcy | Petty |
Gadfiel | Matt | Fischer |
Galdu Aurkitu | Anthony | Ragan |
Galishma | Ben | Djarum |
Gilthigoet | R.J. | Thompson |
Ginny Milk Eye | Chris | Tamm |
Glaria | Eric | Fabiaschi |
Glorfall | Johnstone | Metzger |
Glyrea | Josh | Graboff |
Gnunnug | Gavin | Norman |
God of the Iron Urn | Geof | McKinney |
God on the Mountain | Mike “Carlson” | Davis |
Gor Nochri & Gar Nachri | David | Haraldson |
Gorgonmjolk | Jonas | Mustonen |
Go'Ruush | Mike | Lizardi |
Go'Ruush (co-credit) | Christopher | Conklin |
Grand Planar Gods | Eric | Fabiaschi |
Grandpa Toadflap | Chris | Tamm |
Gremlyn (Murphee) | Christopher | Ziegler |
Groín | Kevin | Brennan |
Grugzaret | David | Wellington |
Gyttjan | Paul | Ballard |
Haiah | Dan | Harms |
Harbordorim | Tim | Huntley |
Heka-Kup | Brian | Rae |
Heolstor | Jeremy | Holley |
Hexadron | Colin | Chapman |
Hlinjassa | Simon | Forster |
Hlo-Hlo | Keith | Sloan |
Hoddypeak | Keith | Sloan |
Hymenphalia | Matthew W. | Schmeer |
Hweegarl | James | Mishler |
Insitor | Josh | Graboff |
Iracaecus | Johnathan | Bingham |
Ixomant | Sándor | Gebei |
Jabim | Igor | Sartorato |
Jaiden | Richard J. | LeBlanc, Jr. |
Jale God | Greg | Gorgonmilk |
Jessra | Malcolm | Bowers |
Jexvenna | Dennis | Laffey |
jhillenneth | Matt | Fischer |
Jodj (see Chelk and Jodj) | ||
Johnny Hopper | Chris | Tamm |
Jöögengeld | Adam | Dickstein |
Jus'enuf | Stephen | Bartok |
Kahladaht | R. J. | Thompson |
Kakanuawana | Ezra | Claverie |
Kalantos | Craig | Schwarze |
Kaldrabikkia | Dungeon of Sketch | |
Karga Savasha | Robert | Morris |
Khaldranath | William | Maranto |
Khaldranath (co-credit) | Jim | Brewer |
Khorissa | Greg | Johnston |
Kilooloogung | Igor | Sartorato |
King Shroom | Jens | Durke/td> |
King Under the Mountain | Evan Van | Elkins |
Krythyle | Wayne | Rossi |
Kwunndle | Andrew | Branstad |
Kypselus | Josh | Graboff |
Lacta Lacrima (Lacrimosa) | Duncan | Young |
Lady of Cauldrons | Richard J. | LeBlanc, Jr. |
Lady of Lost Angles | Nathan | Cohen |
Lady of Rains | Grant | Stone |
Lady of Tasks Forgotten | Logan | Knight |
Little Lights | David | Haraldson |
Llewel | Alexandra | Ausborn |
Lobon | Chris | Wellings |
Loe-Hann | Johnathan | Bingham |
Lord Barleycorn | Roger S.G. | Sorolla |
Lord Downall | Joel | Sparks |
Lord Greensayne | Matthew W. | Schmeer |
Lord of Mediocre Plots | Nathan | Cohen |
Lumagog | James | Garrison |
Luriel | Malcom | Bowers |
Machuk | Tom | Kilian |
Magpie Princess | James | Murphy |
Magrundi | John | Turcotte |
Maharb'aal | Nicolas | Senac |
Maladmin | Malcom | Bowers |
Mal-laM | Sándor | Gebei |
Malnor | Thomas | Martin |
Man in the Moon | Barry | Blatt |
Manguaça | Igor | Sartorato |
Manidono | Erin | Palette |
Mar Nod | James | Patterson |
Mearra (overview) | Eric | Fabiaschi |
Meer-Smah | Eric | Wirsing |
Meifer | Thorbjørn | Steen |
Mephassuros | JP | Glutting |
Merramorina | Eric | Fabiaschi |
Mespilus | Chris | Wellings |
Micicara | Eric | Fabiaschi |
Mico | Jim | Pacek |
Mixmalix | Malcom | Bowers |
Moen Hepnir | Johnathan | Bingham |
Moorealeth | Patrick | Stuart |
Morbiphallugus | Richard J. | LeBlanc, Jr. |
Mosht Al Blopp | Charles | Turnitsa |
Moslammin | Joshua | Burnett |
Moss-Worn Goat | Logan | Knight |
Mystical Martan | Tony A. | Rowe |
Naaragiga | Todd | Roe |
Nanefesterad | Dennis | Carter |
Nanny Binx | Chris | Tamm |
Nardrea | Eric | Fabiaschi |
Naught | Richard J. | LeBlanc, Jr. |
Nazarash | Blair | Fitzpatrick |
Nebius | johnathan | Bingham |
Neco | Troy J. | Truchon |
Neub | Mark | Bober |
Neuph | Thorbjørn | Steen |
Nhucyy | Duncan | Eshelman |
Nocton Zython | Beard | Portly |
Nox | Tim | Brannan |
Nug | James | Mishler |
Numathoth | Gavin | Norman |
Nwee | Edward | Green |
Nyctalops | Richard J. | LeBlanc, Jr. |
Obnomeht | Jonas | Mustonen |
Ochlos Volgus | Eric | Jones |
Odxit | Ndege | Diamond |
Ogrimox | Gavin | Norman |
Okla | Luka | Rejec |
Old Mother | Simon | Forster |
Old Snicker | John | Feldman |
Ollollde | Gavin | Norman |
Ooboora | Andy | Thompson |
Ooom | Damian | Breen |
Ophurton | Blair | Fitzpatrick |
Ormix Prol | Malcom | Bowers |
Otda'Btatle | Blair | Fitzpatrick |
Otto | Malcom | Bowers |
Ouk | Dan | Cassar |
Pafflur | Stefan | Poag |
Päkkaan | Alan | Brodie |
Paleonumis | Ian | McDougall |
Palester Olhm | Andrew | Crenshaw |
Panathoth | Gavin | Norman |
Pandantilus | Erik | Tenkar |
Patchwork God | Colin | Chapman |
Patisseria | Jodi | Mishler |
Pelchako | Studio Arkhein | |
Perichronaos | Porky | |
Pherosathoola | Matthew W. | Schmeer |
Philespurio | John | Grant |
Pilikke | Emmett & Paul | Brinkmann |
Polly | Studio Arkhein | |
Pollycockle | Keith | Sloan |
Possimium | Tim | Shorts |
Qinmeartha | John | Grant |
Qualdoni | Jed | McClure |
Quantum Ogre | Courtney | Campbell |
Qu'pan | Richard | Iorio II |
Qurgan Quagnar | Emmett & Paul | Brinkmann |
Qwarghourn | James | Mishler |
Raselom | Patrick Henry | Downs |
Rasoob | Erin | Palette |
Ratacus Gant | Erik | Tenkar |
Ravel-Unravel | James | Ward |
Rhan-Tegoth | Chris | Wellings |
Rosartia | Shaun | Haskins |
Ruslivia | Eric | Fabiaschi |
Sa'hwo | Anthony | Pastores |
Saint Biritus | Igor | Sartorato |
Saint Gunther | Richard J. | LeBlanc, Jr. |
Saint Vineria | Fr. David | Eynon |
Sant Brothers (Dewi, Iltud, Teilo) | Geoffrey | McKinney |
Satrum | Dan | Proctor |
Screbblo | Craig | Schwarze |
Seppophis | Jeremy | Duncan |
Seshati Pyhatia | ???? | ???? |
Sernis | Josh | Graboff |
Sertetti | Eric | Fabiaschi |
Silvarno | Patrick | Wetmore |
Skaal | Charles | Turnitsa |
Somnau | Andrew | Branstad |
Sorga | Will | Arnold |
Sousroga | Matthew | Baron |
Sovereign Bastard | Matt | Diaz |
Syizarkhog | Igor | Sartorato |
Tallemaja | Matthew W. | Schmeer |
Tarvin | Bryce | Lynch |
Tau | Thed | Rune |
Teptrigor | Jeremy | Reaban |
Termarr | Eric | Fabiaschi |
Termas Tunneller | Jonah & Paul | Brinkmann |
Theb | Malcom | Bowers |
Their Wife | Jason | Kielbasa |
Thuf | David | Haraldson |
Thwizeviblyz | Matthew W. | Schmeer |
Tix-ka-tix | Erik | Jensen |
Tlacotani | John Everett | Till |
Tonya | Matthew | Schmeer |
Tremella | Garrett | Weinstein |
Tricruxia | John | Stater |
Tsrura | Eric | Fabiaschi |
Turquoise Idol of Communion | Logan | Knight |
Tybesi-O | Igor | Sartorato |
Tyop | Patrick | Wetmore |
U'illa | Damian | Breen |
Undek | Atailton | Miranda |
Ungsi | Dungeon of Sketch | |
Uroborialis | Matthew W. | Schmeer |
Urglu | Terje | Nordin |
Verlore | Steve | Collington |
Verthish | Matthew W. | Schmeer |
Vexarus | Evan | Van Elkins |
Vindico Vindicatum | Richard J. | LeBlanc, Jr. |
Vodei | Josh | Graboff |
Vydia | Luigi | Castellani |
Wart Mother | Chris | Tamm |
Whisper Will | Dale | Cameron |
Wicked Skein | John Everett | Till |
Xaxolx | Malcom | Bowers |
Xinrael | Greg | Gorgonmilk |
Xoox | Eric | Potter |
Yeb | James | Mishler |
Ykelu | Kevin | Brennan |
Yellow King | Richard J. | LeBlanc, Jr. |
Yemeles | Keith | Sloan |
Yeolnuma | James | Garrison |
Yessir | Jürgen | Mayer |
Yggrd | Rob | Griffin |
Yhoundeh | Chris | Wellings |
Ykelu | Kevin | Brennan |
Yululun | Craig | Schwarze |
Yurm | Erol | Otus |
Ywehbobbobhewy | Matt | Schmeer |
Yyy | Richard J. | LeBlanc, Jr. |
Zeekil | Matt | Jackson |
Zikcub | Doug | Rusch |
Zirkonia | John Gavin | Lighterness |
Zodraz | Trey | Causey |
Zodraz (co-credit) | Beard | Portly |
Zumbiboo | Igor | Sartorato |
Zuurrt | Ezra | Claverie |
Zyni Moe | Keith | Sloan |
Zzyzz | Justen | Brown |
Wow. Quite a list. Can't wait to see some minions.
ReplyDeleteI realize I'm bringing this up way near the wire, but I'm only learned of this revival of Petty Gods recently, and am now concerned whether you have the original or revised descriptions for my entries. The revised ones were sent in back when Gorgonmilk took a crack at this.
ReplyDeleteMost of the files came directly from Greg, and if there was more than 1 version sent, I went with the most recent "Last Modified" file date. But if you want to confirm, then send the full text for your entries to pgcopy(at)newbigdragon(dot)com and I'll review vs. the layout (and update where appropriate).
DeleteKing Shroom is missing (sorry, I just saw). Here's a link to the original entry:
I hope this is not too late (or he's just missing from the list? I did sent him in time back then and Greg had confirmed it, too ...). Please?
I'm working from what Greg gave me. If it wasn't in the folder of text files or in a spreadsheet, it didn't get added to my new master spread sheet. This was nowhere among them. I've added it and will do my best to work it in. The page break does not allow it easily, but I don't want anyone to get left out if I can help it.
DeleteVery nice :) Thank you! My full last name is "Durke" and Feloren is also by me. Man, this got me excited about the project again. Good show!
DeleteI've got Feloren credited in the book as DisorientedRanger because that's how it was credited in the Original Petty Gods. Which credit would you prefer "Jens Durke" or "DisorientedRanger"?
DeletePlease use my full name in both cases (most people seem to do it this way).
DeleteAs a side note: King Shroom and the Fruggar (minions by James Garrison) go very well together.
Again, sorry to be an inconvenience and thanks for being so flexible and fast about it!
Name fixed throughout (in layout, in spreadsheet, on this page). I also made King Shroom and Fruggar related entries.
DeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteDetriax was created by Jay (not James) Mac Bride.