Thursday, October 9, 2014

New BX/LL Character Classes: Small Mammals 2-of-2
Otters, Skunks, Squirrels, Weasels

Picking up from yesterday's post with beavers, hares, mice and rabbits.

Just an FYI, I will be compiling all of the animal
character classes I've been working on into a book.


Otters tend to be tough, self-sufficient extroverts born to a life of wandering and adventure. They are natural swimmers and excellent fighters. The prime requisite for an otter is Dexterity. Otters with Dexterity score of 13 or greater will gain a bonus to earned experience points.

RESTRICTIONS: Otters determine their hit points using six-sided dice (d6). They may advance to a maximum of 6th level of experience. Otters may use any weapon of normal or small size, but may not use long bows or two-handed swords. Otters may wear any type of armor, and may use shields, but may not swim if wearing metal armor. The maximum Strength score for an otter is 15.

SPECIAL ABILITIES: Otters are capable swimmers and swim at a rate of 180'(60') if unencumbered and wearing no armor. They are able to swim at rate of 120'(40') if wearing leather armor or carrying only only their normal equipment. They may swim at a rate of 60'(20') if wearing leather armor and carrying their normal equipment. An otter may not swim if carrying more their normal equipment or if they are wearing metal armor. Otters fight and save as a fighters of the same level.

Level Title Exp. Points Hit Dice
1 Otter Veteran 0 1d6
2 Otter Warrior 2,500 2d6
3 Otter Swordsman 5,000 3d6
4 Otter Hero 10,000 4d6
5 Otter Swashbuckler 20,000 5d6
6 Otter Myrmidon 40,000 6d6


By default, skunks tend to be loners. However, they can also be loyal to a fault. Though the body of the skunk is slightly elongated, their relatively short legs and arms are, in fact, well-muscled. The prime requisite for a skunk is Constituion. Skunks with Constitution score of 13 or greater will gain a bonus to earned experience points.

RESTRICTIONS: Skunks determine their hit points using six-sided dice (d6). They may advance to a maximum of 4th level of experience. Skunks may use any weapon of normal or small size, but may not use long bows or two-handed swords. Skunks may wear any type of armor, and may use shields. The maximum Strength score for a skunk is 15, and a skunk’s Constitution score must be 9 or greater.

SPECIAL ABILITIES: Skunks fight and save as a fighter of the same level. Furthermore, skunks possess the ability to spray a noxious cloud from their tail end a number of times per day equal to their level. This 10' diameter cloud causes all those caught inside of it to become naseous for 2d4 rounds (on a failed saving throw vs. breath weapon), suffering a -1 “to hit” penalty and a +1 AC penalty for the duration.

Level Title Exp. Points Hit Dice
1 Skunk Veteran 0 1d6
2 Skunk Warrior 2,500 2d6
3 Skunk Swordsman 5,000 3d6
4 Skunk Hero 10,000 4d6


Squirrels are more likely to search for treasure than adventure (which is simply a means to an end). They are not necessarily greedy—they simply want their fair share for their participation. They are fearless in battle and any victory (large or small) is usually cause for a squirrel to celebrate. The prime requisite for a squirrel is Dexterity. Squirrels with a Dexterity score of 13 or greater will gain a bonus to earned experience points.

RESTRICTIONS: Squirrels determine their hit points using four-sided dice (d4). They may advance to a maximum of 4th level of experience. Squirrels may use any weapon of normal or small size, but may not use long bows or two-handed swords. Squirrels may wear only leather armor and may not use a shield. The maximum Strength score for a squirrel is 12.

SPECIAL ABILITIES: Squirrels possess the entire suite of thieving abilities, all of which they are able to perform as a thief of the same level, except climbing sheer surfaces, which they are able to perform as a thief at 2 levels above their own (e.g., a 2nd level squirrel climbs as a 4th level thief.) Squirrels make all saves against fear effects with a +1 bonus. However, they make all saves against confusion effects with a -1 penalty. Otherwise, squirrels fight and save as a halfling of the same level.

Level Title Exp. Points Hit Dice
1 Squirrel Apprentice 0 1d4
2 Squirrel Footpad 3,000 2d4
3 Squirrel Robber 6,000 3d4
4 Squirrel Burglar 12,000 4d4


The conniving nature of weasels is too often amplified by their daring and audacious behavior. For weasels, adventuring is simply a means to an end—the acquisition of treasure. Their keen senses aid them greatly in this pursuit. The prime requisites for a weasel are Intelligence and Dexterity. Weasels with Intelligence and Dexterity scores both 13 or greater gain a +5% bonus to earned experience points. Weasels having an Intelligence score of 13 or greater and a Dexterity score of 16 or greater will gain a +10% bonus.

RESTRICTIONS: Weasels determine their hit points using four-sided dice (d4). They may advance to a maximum of 6th level of experience. Weasels may use any weapon of normal or small size, but may not use long bows or two-handed swords. Weasels may only wear leather armor and may not use shields. The maximum Strength score for a weasel is 15.

SPECIAL ABILITIES: Weasels are able to use all thieves abilities as a thief of the same ability. Weasels are moderate swimmers and swim at a rate of 150'(50') if unencumbered and wearing no armor. They are able to swim at rate of 90'(30') if wearing leather armor or carrying only only their normal equipment. They are restricted to a swimming rate rate of 30'(10') if wearing leather armor and carrying their normal equipment. Weasels fight and save as a thief of the same level, and are afforded the same backstabbing bonus (+4) if attacking an opponent from behind. Furthermore, weasels have an ability to find weaknesses in melee opponents. If a weasel fights the same opponent for a total of 3 rounds (consecutive or not) during the same encounter, the weasel gains a +1 “to hit” bonus against that opponent for the duration of the encounter. Should the weasel meet the same opponent after a period of 6 turns or more, any advantage during combat until the weasel fights that opponent for another 3 rounds (as outlined above).

Level Title Exp. Points Hit Dice
1 Weasel Apprentice 0 1d4
2 Weasel Footpad 3,000 2d4
3 Weasel Robber 6,000 3d4
4 Weasel Burglar 12,000 4d4
5 Weasel Cutpurse 24,000 3d4
6 Weasel Sharper 48,000 4d4


  1. Glad to hear you will be compiling these into a book! : )

  2. I love the Squirrels. Granted, I'm a bit partial.

  3. What about badgers, hedgehogs, honey badgers, moles, rats, toads and water voles?
