DESCRIPTION This malodorous cousin to both skunks and bears (but not owlbears) is found in a range of climates from temperate to sub-arctic, and in a variety of terrains (including light-to-heavy forests, mountainous areas, and tundra regions). While they will often take shelter in their dens and sleep for extended periods during winter months, they are not true hibernators, waking often to hunt and forage before returning to sleep. Typically, skunkbears are solitary in nature, but will sometimes den in close proximity to other skunkbear dens when centered around an important food source. In these instances, a hierarchy of dominance is established, with adult males taking the place of dominance. Ironically, it is the females with young that are actually the most aggressive, especially in combat (given them a +1 bonus on all “to hit” rolls when fighting aggressors in the presence of their young). This mother-young bond is the sole social relationship among skunkbears. Since skunkbears are mammalian in nature, they birth live (as opposed to owlbears that lay eggs). In combat, if a skunkbear makes successful “to hit” rolls with both of his claw attacks, then he succeeds in capturing his opponent in a bear hug, in which case the skunkbear’s bite automatically hits (with no additional “to hit” roll necessary). Once a victim is in the bear hug, the skunkbear will automatically do 3d6 in squeezing damage and 1d8 in bite damage per round to the victim (no “to hit” rolls necessary) until the victim is dead or the skunkbear has been killed. Once per day, a skunkbear is able to use a spray attack, in which a horrific smelling spray is used to disable a victim. On a successful “to hit” roll with this spray attack, the victim must save vs. breath weapon or stand stunned for 4d6 rounds. Furthermore, if the saving throw is failed by 10 or more points, the victim is also knocked unconscious for that duration. Anyone within a 20' range of a sprayed victim must save vs. breath weapon or suffer a -1 “to hit” penalty while they are within range and the victim is still soaked with the spray. This overpowering smell will remain with the victim for 4d6 days unless the victim washes thoroughly (at least 3 times with a very strong lye soap) or being cleaned through magical means (e.g., a purification spell). Description: Skunkbears have fur ranging in color from brown to brownish-black, with younger skunkbears being marked by white stripe down its back, and the stripe tending to run silver in older skunkbears. The eyes of a skunkbear are jet black. | Oe/1E STATS FREQUENCY: Very rare NO. APPEARING: 2-5 ARMOR CLASS: 5 MOVE: 12" HIT DICE: 5+3 % IN LAIR: 35% TREASURE TYPE: C NO. OF ATTACKS: 3 DAMAGE/ATTACK: 1-6/1-6/1-8 SPECIAL ATTACKS: Bear hug, spray SPECIAL DEFENSES: Nil MAGIC RESISTANCE: Standard INTELLIGENCE: Low ALIGNMENT: Neutral SIZE: L (8' tall) PSIONIC ABILITY: Nil Attack/Defense Modes: Nil BX STATS ARMOR CLASS: 5 HIT DICE: 5+3 MOVE: 120' ATTACKS: 2 claws/1 bite DAMAGE: 1-6/1-6/1-8 NO. APPEARING: 2-5 SAVE AS: Fighter: 3 MORALE: 9 TREASURE TYPE: C ALIGNMENT: Neutral |
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