Monday, April 30, 2012
A-to-Z Challenge, Z: Zathoa (New Oe/BX/1E Monster)
Zo here we are, at the tail zend of the A-to-Z zogging challenge. I have some thoughts on the whole thing, but feel like I have enough of them to warrant their own post that isn't constrained to a single letter. Instead, let's just get to today's monster--one that ironically began life as the Á Bao A Qu. I'll be honest. I needed a Z monster and renamed it for that sole reason. I'm not too proud to admit it. And I'm not ashamed that a creature like this is a pain in the ass to deal with in combat (having to check every round to see if its stats change and then dealing with it if they do.) The only thing I'm ashamed of is the fact that "zathoa" just sounds too much like "zathura" (no offense to Jon Favreau.) But it's Z day, and there's no time left to change it's name.
Saturday, April 28, 2012
A-to-Z Challenge, Y: Yak-man (New Oe/BX/1E Monster)
I'm a firm believer that not all monsters in D&D should be dungeon filler. And I'm not just saying that to justify today's Y entry... the yak-man. Look back at some of the previous entries from this month's A-to-Z post and the campaign concepts start to present themselves. For example, the red dwarves and the rarog start to hint at something akin to a dwarven version of the D-series modules. And if ever there was a group of people ripe for raiders, it's the orlings. I'm sure at some point I'll figure out what to do with these beasts (below), other than filling in the "Y" requirement of an A-to-Z challenge.
Friday, April 27, 2012
A-to-Z Challenge, X: Xanther (New Oe/BX/1E Monster)
Looks like we're in the home stretch of the A-to-Z blogging challenge. And as I mentioned back on "Q" day, I knew X and Z would be tough. Honestly, I've had today's X post ready for quite some time (my regular readers may recognize today's illustration from an old Illustration of the Week post), and I've got Z locked and loaded. It's Y that I'm starting to worry about. I have some ideas, but nothing that's really grabbing me. (Note to self: consider a "grabbing" monster for Y.) As for the Xanther below, I'm not completely sold on the idea that this creature could use weapons but doesn't. It is mildly intelligent ("low" as opposed to "animal"), so I can see it as more of a barbaric humanoid that allows it ferocity to dominate its actions. I think when time allows, I may develop its ecology a tad more.
Thursday, April 26, 2012
A-to-Z Challenge, W: Whipwhirl (New Oe/BX/1E Monster)
Today's A-to-Z monster is inspired by (or is that "is an interpretation of"?) the Japanese creature the "itten momen." Like the "L" day's lithopede, the whipwhirl is a bit of a nuisance. I'm feeling like I need to create a "Conjure Whipwhirls" spell to go along with this creature.
Wednesday, April 25, 2012
A-to-Z Challenge, V: Vulbat (New Oe/BX/1E Monster)
Today's A-to-Z monster was a staple of monster comics of the 50s and 60s. Each issue would usually feature a vampire story and a wolfman story. Then every second issue or so they would have a mummy story (starting to sound "Universally" familiar?), and there would be some witch and voodoo stories thrown in every once in a while. And there would be the occasional mad scientist story, like the one that today's monster comes from. I don't imagine it would take too long before young readers would get sick of the stories, seeing as after about 6 issues they pretty much feel the same. I also imagine this is why, after about a year of publication, many of the pubs would start re-running older stories mixed with new ones. By the end of the run of a couple of the titles, the entire issue were only anthologies of stories recombined from earlier issues.
Vulbats are a cross between a vulture and a vampire bat. They are clumsy and oafish, moving slowly and attacking as a 1 HD creature. On any successful bite, there is a 50% chance that a vulbat will infect a victim with a mild disease that, if uncured, will cause minor cramping and discomfort, causing afflicted creatures to attack with a -1 "to hit" penalty until cured. Additionally, on any natural “to hit” roll of 20, a vulbat will continue to drain blood from a victim at a rate of 1-2 points per melee round until the victim is dead or the vulbat is killed. Vulbats are immune to disease of all types.
Vulbats are a cross between a vulture and a vampire bat. They are clumsy and oafish, moving slowly and attacking as a 1 HD creature. On any successful bite, there is a 50% chance that a vulbat will infect a victim with a mild disease that, if uncured, will cause minor cramping and discomfort, causing afflicted creatures to attack with a -1 "to hit" penalty until cured. Additionally, on any natural “to hit” roll of 20, a vulbat will continue to drain blood from a victim at a rate of 1-2 points per melee round until the victim is dead or the vulbat is killed. Vulbats are immune to disease of all types.
Tuesday, April 24, 2012
A-to-Z Challenge, U: Üuloch (New Oe/BX/1E Monster)
Today's A-to-Z monster came from the cover of an old pulp magazine and the illustration is a redraw. Unfortunately, I failed to save the source cover (came up with this one a while back) so I'm lost on which magazine it was to give any credit to the original artist (tried to look again; couldn't find it). Also, I think I originally wanted to find the story in which it appeared and give it that name and stats to match, but remember not being able to find a copy of the story, so I went with my gut.
Monday, April 23, 2012
A-to-Z Challenge, T: Taega (New Oe/BX/1E Monster)
To me, some of the best monsters are the ones that appear tiny and insignificant, but are ironically deadly. Today's monster is really the opposite of that. A monster that appears terrifying but is, in truth, hardly a threat. I thought it would be funny to have a monster that is so ineffectual as a monster that his treasure type (in lair) is one of the weakest individual treasure types there is. To me, it's a reflection of the idea that if he does get lucky enough to get some real treasure, it doesn't hang around long before somebody steals it.
Saturday, April 21, 2012
A-to-Z Challenge, R: Saleerandee (New Oe/BX/1E Monster)
First off today, I'd like to thank blogger for finally forcing their bullshit change on me, and in the process completely deleting the content of the blog I'd prepared today (except the headline) knowing I had to leave the house at 6:30 and didn't have time to F with this. So hats off to blogger for fixing something that wasn't broken. Second, I'd like to congratulate the buggy options, and forcing me to type html break code on this post, which took even longer than normal to update. Third, I'd like to congratulate them (in advance) for the refinements they'll make to this version of the interface, and "getting it right" just before forcing the next version of the interface on us. Now, without further ado, here's the post I'd prepped yesterday in five minutes, that took me fifteen minutes to prepare this morning.
Addendum - 4/21/12, 8:00 p.m. CST: I couldn't even change a typo above -- "blot" to "blog" -- until I returned for the day, because the new interface doesn't work on my iphone. Assmagnet blogger developers.
Addendum to addendum: - 4/22/12, 11:50 a.m. CST: Just realized I could go back to the old interface (thanks to a post from ADD Grognard.) Wondering how long until they disallow that.
Addendum - 4/21/12, 8:00 p.m. CST: I couldn't even change a typo above -- "blot" to "blog" -- until I returned for the day, because the new interface doesn't work on my iphone. Assmagnet blogger developers.
Addendum to addendum: - 4/22/12, 11:50 a.m. CST: Just realized I could go back to the old interface (thanks to a post from ADD Grognard.) Wondering how long until they disallow that.
Friday, April 20, 2012
A-to-Z Challenge, R: Rarog (New Oe/BX/1E Monster)
Today's monster comes to us by way of Slavic mythology. I think it makes a nice pairing with the red dwarf from the post earlier this month. The rarog seem like the kind of low level elemental that a barbarian dwarf clan might "worship" (and take orders from). I smell an adventure cooking... or maybe that's just the flames of the rarog.
Thursday, April 19, 2012
A-to-Z Challenge, Q: Quickslime (New Oe/BX/1E Monster)
Today, along with "X" and "Z" days will be interesting ones around the A-to-Z blogging challenge. I'm lucky. I stumbled across today's monster name ("Quickslime") a little by luck. I I started by researching monsters of legend and mythology. But instead of settling for qinyuan, qishemn, or qutrub, or making up some Cthulhu-inspired name full of q's and apostrophes, I chose door number 3... creating a new monster through the combination of two common words (e.g., blink dog, displacer beast, owlbear, et al.) Today's illustration is one that I originally created for Fight On! magazine #13 for the adventure "The Mysterious Laboratory of Xoth-Ragar" by Alexey Fotinakes (though for slimes in general, and not particularly the creature I've created below.)
Wednesday, April 18, 2012
A-to-Z Challenge, P: Psi-Bat (New Oe/1E Psionic Monster)
You may have noticed that today's A-to-Z headline does not include "BX." That's simply because today's monster has psionic abilities (and without them, wouldn't be the same monster.) I have included BX stats, however, in case you house rule psionics or play a frankensteined version of the Oe/BX/1e rulesets. The psi-bat began life as the Ytrusian moonbat and was originally intended for Starmasters. But as my co-conspirator Dave Welborn and I started digging deeper into how we imagined presenting the Starmasters content, the idea of a random catalog of pre-generated monsters didn't feel right.
Tuesday, April 17, 2012
A-to-Z Challenge, O: Orling (New Oe/BX/1E Monster/Race)
My regular readers might recall a post from very early in the year titled "My First Monster: The 'Beguine' (1982)." If you recall the post (or if you just read/re-read it via the link above), the "beguine" was half-elf/half-halfling whose stats were little more than an average of the stats for the "parents" from the 1e MM. I did like the idea of the race, even if I have grown to hate the musically-inspired name. With the goal of updating and adapting the beguine to something more unique, I developed today's A-to-Z monster (race) -- the orling, a race preoccupied with conspicuous consumption. I like that they won't even used ranged weapons because it would be a waste of possessions.
Monday, April 16, 2012
A-to-Z Challenge, N: Nightmander (New Oe/BX/1E Monster)
Some of the monsters I've been creating for this A-to-Z challenge have come from folklore or mythology first, and were then illustrated. Others, like today's, started with an illustration and the description followed. For some reason, I got to thinking the other day about one of my favorite OSR illustrations... Dave Billman's "cosmic girl" illustration from Tom Moldvay's Lords of Creation. Then the name "nightmander" popped into my head, and voilà! (Plus, I just liked the idea of a character getting "swallowed" by a creature before re-emerging from it's rear end.)
![]() DESCRIPTION A nightmander is strange extra-dimensional creature originating from the astral plane. It has the form as a giant salamander (approximately 20’ long) and appears almost as a shiny liquid or glass form that peers into the cosmos. +1 or better weapons are required to hit a nightmander, but they are affected by magical attacks as normal. A nightmander attacks with an energy draining bite that on a natural “to hit” roll of 20 results in the nightmander “swallowing” any creature human size or smaller. Any creature swallowed by a nightmander will be lost on the astral plane for 1-4 turns before returning to the prime material plane by emerging from the nightmander’s tail end. When a nightmander is killed, the remains of the nightmander will disappear from the prime material plane. Furthermore, any creature that was swallowed by that nightmander, and was lost in the astral plane when the nightmander died, will remain in the astral plane until that creature manages its own return, or is brought back by some other means. | Oe/1E STATS FREQUENCY: Very Rare NO. APPEARING: 1-2 ARMOR CLASS: 2 MOVE: 18” HIT DICE: 7 % IN LAIR: Nil TREASURE TYPE: Nil NO. OF ATTACKS: 1 DAMAGE/ATTACK: 2-12 SPECIAL ATTACKS: See below SPECIAL DEFENSES: See below MAGIC RESISTANCE: Standard INTELLIGENCE: Animal ALIGNMENT: Neutral SIZE: L (20’ long) PSIONIC ABILITY: Nil Attack/Defense Modes: Nil BX STATS ARMOR CLASS: 2 HIT DICE: 7 MOVE: 180’ ATTACKS: 1 bite DAMAGE: 2-12 + special NO. APPEARING: 1-2 SAVE AS: Fighter: 7 MORALE: 8 TREASURE TYPE: Nil ALIGNMENT: Neutral |
Saturday, April 14, 2012
A-to-Z Challenge, M: Mapinguari (New Oe/BX/1E Monster)
As nutschell noted on Wednesday's Jenglot post about each culture having their own type of vampire, so do most of them have their own type of bigfoot/yeti creature (something I noted myself in Monday's hibagon post). Today's A-to-Z monster comes to us by way of the Brazilians. What I like about it as a hominid cryptid, however, is that it's not just a "big, hairy man-like creature that stinks," it's a "big, hairy man-like creature that stinks AND it has a 0 AC and it's impenetrable by standard edged weapons." Sure, it's only a 6 HD die creature, but without a magic edged weapon or a character in the party with a pretty good attack with a hammer or mace, this thing will eat you alive... literally!
![]() DESCRIPTION Mapinguaris are hairy, hulking hominids with a stench that often precedes them by as far as 100’. Below the matted red hair of these forest-dwellers is an incredibly tough skin that not only provides them with AC of 0, but makes them impervious to the effects of bladed weapons. Mapinguaris attack with a pair of ferocious claws and the devastating bite of a gaping mouth that sits somewhere near their chest. | Oe/1E STATS FREQUENCY: Rare NO. APPEARING: 1-4 ARMOR CLASS: 0 MOVE: 12” HIT DICE: 6 % IN LAIR: 15% TREASURE TYPE: D NO. OF ATTACKS: 3 DAMAGE/ATTACK: 1-8/1-8/3-18 SPECIAL ATTACKS: Nil SPECIAL DEFENSES: Immune to attacks from bladed weapons MAGIC RESISTANCE: Standard INTELLIGENCE: Average ALIGNMENT: Neutral SIZE: (10’ tall) PSIONIC ABILITY: Nil Attack/Defense Modes: Nil BX STATS ARMOR CLASS: 0 HIT DICE: 6 MOVE: 120’ ATTACKS: 2 claws/1 bite DAMAGE: 1-8/1-8/3-18 NO. APPEARING: 1-4 SAVE AS: Fighter: 6 MORALE: 10 TREASURE TYPE: D ALIGNMENT: Neutral |
Friday, April 13, 2012
A-to-Z Challenge, L: Lithopede (New Oe/BX/1E Monster)
This is an idea I've had for a long time but being "L" day today made me finally get off my butt and stat this one up.
![]() DESCRIPTION Lithopedes are an amphibious insect that, when viewed from above, appear as smooth stones approximately 5”-8” in diameter. This is, in fact, a shell so solid and resilient as to provide a lithopede with an armor class of 2 when attacked from above. When a lithopede is “flipped” onto it’s back (a moderately easy feat to accomplish) a lithopede is completely incapable of movement and its vulnerable underside is exposed, allowing it to always be hit. Lithopedes are more nuisance than danger. They normally appear en masse in cool dark underground caverns, usually near a body of water or on the surface at the bottom of a body of water. With their legs tucked up into their shells and in a sedentary state, they may easily be mistaken for something akin to pondstones. Should any creature try to walk on them, however, the lithopedes will go into a panic and scatter in all directions. Any creature caught on top of a stampede of lithopedes when they begin to scatter must make a saving throw vs. paralysis or be tripped. Any creature with a dexterity of 13 or above that fails their saving throw will twist an ankle, slowing their movement to have normal for 1-4 weeks (or until the sprain is healed). Any creature with a dexterity of 12 or under that fails their saving throw will break their ankle, slowing their movement to 0 until the break is healed. | Oe/1E STATS FREQUENCY: Uncommon NO. APPEARING: 10-100 ARMOR CLASS: 2/* MOVE: 3” (0”) HIT DICE: 1-2 pts. % IN LAIR: Nil TREASURE TYPE: Nil NO. OF ATTACKS: Nil DAMAGE/ATTACK: Nil SPECIAL ATTACKS: See below SPECIAL DEFENSES: Nil MAGIC RESISTANCE: Stanadard INTELLIGENCE: Non- ALIGNMENT: Neutral SIZE: S (5”-8” diameter) PSIONIC ABILITY: Nil Attack/Defense Modes: Nil BX STATS ARMOR CLASS: 2/* HIT DICE: 1-2 pts. MOVE: 30’ (0’) ATTACKS: Special DAMAGE: See below NO. APPEARING: 10-100 SAVE AS: Normal Man MORALE: 5 TREASURE TYPE: Nil ALIGNMENT: Neutral |
Thursday, April 12, 2012
A-to-Z Challenge, K: Kala (New Oe/BX/1E Monster)
Today's A-to-Z monster is a nasty one... literally. It's a sort of "disease elemental," if you will. This one's definitely got more of a 1e bent rather than BX (IMO.)
![]() A kala (plural = kalau) is a being of pure disease and decay originating from the negative material plane. They are normally found in the prime material plane in areas where conditions prevail for disease to flourish (e.g., the murky waters of tropical swamps, dank sludge-filled caves, etc.) Kalau have a natural hatred of humans, but particularly despise any humanoid with a lifespan greater than 100 years (e.g. elves and dwarves.) As such, they seek to spread disease to these communities. In combat, they will attack opponents in order from those with the greatest standard life expectancy to the least, and a kala receives a +1 bonus to morale for each member of the defending party with a life expectancy over 100 years (maximum morale of 12.) The touch of a kala carries a combination of harmful and corruptive effects, depending on the hit dice of the creature being attacked. First, all creatures 3 hit dice and under are susceptible to a poison that (unless a successful saving throw vs. vs. poison is made) kills in 3-12 turns unless cured. Second, all creatures 6 hit dice and under are susceptible to a paralytic agent that (unless a successful saving throw vs. paralysis is made) will put creatures with 3 hit dice or less into a coma-like state, or slow creatures with 4-6 hit dice to half their normal movement, for 3-12 turns (each.) Third, all creatures with 9 hit dice or less are susceptible to a rotting disease that (unless a successful saving throw vs. magic is made) will do 1 hit point of damage during each successive melee round until cured (only curable by magic through use of a cure disease spell.) Finally, all creatures (regardless of hit dice) are subject to boils and sores (no saving throw) upon a successful "to hit" roll by a kala. There is a 50% chance that these boils will appear on a creature's lower extremities (halving both movement and encumbrance) and a 50% chance they will appear on the creature's upper extremities (giving them a -1 "to hit" penalty). The duration of these boils is 12 turns minus the hit dice of the affected creature, with a minimum duration of 1 turn. Kalau are immune to the effects of poison, paralysis and disease. Flame-based attacks do only half damage to a kala, and cold only slows them (to half their normal movement.) Additionally, a +1 or better magical weapon is required to hit a kala. | Oe/1E STATS FREQUENCY: Very Rare NO. APPEARING: 1-4 ARMOR CLASS: 4 MOVE: 12" HIT DICE: 6 % IN LAIR: Nil TREASURE TYPE: Nil NO. OF ATTACKS: 1 touch DAMAGE/ATTACK: Special SPECIAL ATTACKS: See below SPECIAL DEFENSES: See below MAGIC RESISTANCE: See below INTELLIGENCE: Average ALIGNMENT: Chaotic Evil SIZE: M PSIONIC ABILITY: Nil Attack/Defense Modes: Nil BX STATS ARMOR CLASS: 4 HIT DICE: 6 MOVE: 120' ATTACKS: 1 touch DAMAGE: Disease (see below) NO. APPEARING: 1-4 SAVE AS: Fighter: 6 MORALE: 9 (or see below) TREASURE TYPE: Nil ALIGNMENT: Chaotic |
Wednesday, April 11, 2012
A-to-Z Challenge, J: Jenglot (New Oe/BX/1E Monster)
I knew there would be a couple of letters where coming up with a monster was going to be a little difficult. And that was the case with today's "J" entry. All of the classics are covered off... from the Fiend Folio's "jaculus" to the Monster Manual II's "jann." Today's item comes by way of Indonesia--more cryptid than creature of mythology, but still kind of fun (if you can get the PCs to believe they've just come up on what appears to be the remains of a group of some kind of wild demi-human... then BAM! the jenglots spring into action, clamping and draining and... you get the picture.
![]() DESCRIPTION Jenglots are a diminutive type of wild vampire, found in a variety of locales, from underground environments to the attics of abandoned houses to the trunks of trees. It is believed they become undead through a process similar to that of liches, enacted by the grant of an evil deity whom the jenglot (in his previous demi-human form) petitioned for immortality. Being undead, they are immune to the affects of sleep, charm, hold, poison and paralysis, and they can only be hit with magic or silver weapons. Jenglots exist in two states, an “animated” state (in which they appear alive and move as normal) and a “suspended” state (in which they appear simply as the long-haired corpses of deceased demi-humans.) They will often remain in this suspended state, laying in wait until suitable prey comes along, at which point they will “spring” into an animated state, surprising on a 1-3 (on a 1d6) and attacking the nearest target. Like standard vampires, jenglots feed on the blood of the living to survive. While they prefer human blood, they will feed on animal blood (preferably the blood of goats or pigs.) On a natural “to hit” roll of 19 or 20, a jenglot has succeeded in locking its clamping bite on a victim, and will drain blood (1-4 hit points) from its victim during each successive melee round until the victim is dead or the jenglot has been killed. Jenglots are not affected by garlic or sunlight, but are susceptible to the effects of holy water and may be turned by clerics. | Oe/1E STATS FREQUENCY: Very Rare NO. APPEARING: 1-8 ARMOR CLASS: 5 MOVE: 12” HIT DICE: 4 % IN LAIR: 25% TREASURE TYPE: C NO. OF ATTACKS: 1 DAMAGE/ATTACK: 1-6 + special SPECIAL ATTACKS: See below SPECIAL DEFENSES: +1 or better weapon to hit MAGIC RESISTANCE: See below INTELLIGENCE: Low ALIGNMENT: Chaotic evil SIZE: S (18-24” tall) PSIONIC ABILITY: Nil Attack/Defense Modes: Nil BX STATS ARMOR CLASS: 5 HIT DICE: 4 MOVE: 120’ ATTACKS: 1 bite DAMAGE: 1-6 + special NO. APPEARING: 1 SAVE AS: Fighter: 4 MORALE: 11 TREASURE TYPE: C ALIGNMENT: Chaotic |
Tuesday, April 10, 2012
A-to-Z Challenge, I: Izzoo (New Oe/BX/1E Monster)
This is one of those monsters where I had the drawing first, then the concept for its abilities came after. Like the emerald stinkbug, this one was originally intended for Starmasters but was never statted until now (the "Ekerat" reference in the drawing is from that use as a former Illustration of the Week post.)
![]() DESCRIPTION Izzoos are strange amorphous, viscid beings that are incessantly on the hunt for the animal flesh they so ravenously desire. They are mindless automatons who do little more than seek and destroy any and all living creatures. The mucilaginous structure of izzoos make them impervious to all weapons, magical or otherwise, and their cell structure makes them immune to the effects of electric and poison. They are susceptible to magic (except electric and poison) and fire, but all cold-based attacks (including magical) only slow them to 1/2 their normal movement (on a failed saving throw.) Due to the high calcium contents of bones, Izzoos are incapable of digesting them they way they are capable of eating the flesh from them. Instead, they utilize the arms and legs of their victims as a sort of ad hoc limb system, allowing them to “fling” wads of themselves at a target. They are capable of wielding up to 6 of these limbs at any given time. The flung goo attack of an izzoo is extremely paralytic and any creature that fails his saving throw (vs. paralysis) will become paralyzed for 5-30 turns. Once an izzoo has subdued a target through paralysis, it will envelop the creature and begin to digest it, a process which takes approximately 1 turn for each 10 pounds in weight of its victim. If there is an incapacitated creature within a 50’ range of an izzoo, it will attempt to consume that creature in lieu of attacking other creatures. It will, however, attempt to defend itself while continuing to consume its prey. Izzoos are also capable of using their mucus covered limbs to affect their paralyzing touch at close range, but if they are not in possession of any limbs they must make all “to hit” rolls at -3. An izzoo may pass through cracks or under doors, but doing so will “filter out” any bones being held within its structure. Their heavy mass makes izzoos slow movers and keeps them from being able to climb walls, though their cell structure would otherwise allow it. | Oe/1E STATS FREQUENCY: Very Rare NO. APPEARING: 1-4 ARMOR CLASS: 6 MOVE: 6” HIT DICE: 3 % IN LAIR: Nil TREASURE TYPE: Nil NO. OF ATTACKS: 1-6 DAMAGE/ATTACK: See below SPECIAL ATTACKS: See below SPECIAL DEFENSES: See below MAGIC RESISTANCE: Standard INTELLIGENCE: Non- ALIGNMENT: Neutral SIZE: M PSIONIC ABILITY: Nil Attack/Defense Modes: Nil BX STATS ARMOR CLASS: 6 HIT DICE: 3** MOVE: 60’ ATTACKS: 1-6 DAMAGE: See below NO. APPEARING: 1-4 SAVE AS: Fighter: 3 MORALE: 12 TREASURE TYPE: Nil ALIGNMENT: Neutral |
Monday, April 9, 2012
A-to-Z Challenge, H: Hibagon (New Oe/BX/1E Monster)
Almost every culture has some form of cryptid resembling the North American sasquatch, or the yeti of the Himalayas. Some are taller, some are shorter. Some are browner, some are grayer. Most of them stink and, in most cases, they're not very intelligent. I'm not sure if I got the idea to make the hibagon a tool-user because of something I read about the hibagon, or because of something I saw about evolution on the History Channel. Either way, I think it makes the rather diminutive hibagon a moderately formidable opponent to low level characters.
![]() DESCRIPTION These forest-dwelling relatives of the yeti are slightly more diminutive, measuring only 5’ high and weighing in around 180 pounds. They have glaring eyes, reddish brown or black fur, and the unmistakeable musky, skunk-like fetor common to these types of animals (yeti, sasquatch, etc.) While hibagons appear ape-like and can move on all fours, they most often walk upright. As slightly intelligent tool users, hibagons often carry on their person chiseled flint stones to act as both common working tools and de facto weapons. When using flint stones as weapons, hibagons can either attack with one stone in each fist (for 16 points damage each) or hold one stone with two hands and attack (1d8+2 points of damage.) Hibagons can communicate with one another through simple grunts and visual cues, but have no language proper. Hibagons normally gather into small tribal units, living either in caves or primitive structures made of sticks and mud. In tribal units of 10 or more hibagons, there will be a tribal leader with one additional hit die, doing +1 point of damage per single-handed attack, and +2 points of damage on two-handed attacks. | Oe/1E STATS FREQUENCY: Rare NO. APPEARING: 1-12 ARMOR CLASS: 5 MOVE: 18” HIT DICE: 5 % IN LAIR: 10% TREASURE TYPE: C NO. OF ATTACKS: 3 DAMAGE/ATTACK: 1-3/1-3/1-6 or by weapon SPECIAL ATTACKS: Nil SPECIAL DEFENSES: Nil MAGIC RESISTANCE: Standard INTELLIGENCE: Low ALIGNMENT: Neutral SIZE: M (5’ tall) PSIONIC ABILITY: Nil Attack/Defense Modes: Nil BX STATS ARMOR CLASS: 5 HIT DICE: 5 MOVE: 180’ ATTACKS: 2 fists/1 bite or 1-2 weapons DAMAGE: 1-3/1-3/1-6 or by weapon NO. APPEARING: 1-12 SAVE AS: Fighter: 5 MORALE: 10 TREASURE TYPE: C ALIGNMENT: Neutral |
Saturday, April 7, 2012
A-to-Z Challenge, G: Giant Generator (New Monster? and d30 Feature of the Week)
Yes, I was a little conflicted about this one. Normally, Friday is d30 Feature of the Week day 'round these parts. But since I'm also doing the A-to-Z challenge featuring a new monster from A-to-Z, I deferred yesterday's d30 item to the letter "F". I did, however, find a way to combine this week's d30 feature with my A-to-Z posts... hopefully... even if it's not Friday anymore. It's a d30-based generator for creating a random giant, similar to my d30-based Sea Creature Generator and, since it combines different hit dice with random special attacks/defenses to create a moderately unique giant, that's kind of like creating a new monster... right?
To download a free PDF of today's chart from MediaFire, click here.
To download a free PDF of today's chart from MediaFire, click here.
Friday, April 6, 2012
A-to-Z Challenge, F: Firefox (New Oe/BX/1E Monster)
This is one of those ideas I just sort of stumbled across. I looked at that icon sitting in the dock of my Mac and wondered... "Was there a mythological creature the browser was named after? Or was it just a made up marketing/branding name?" It seemed to be the latter. My hope is that one day, decades from now, this creature (below) ends up as a mythological creature of unknown origin, after which the browser was named. (Yay revisionism!)
![]() DESCRIPTION The fire fox is a magical creature, able to transform at will from a normal fox to an elemental being of fire. In its material (plain) form, a fire fox has the look, appearance and abilities of a standard fox. In its transformed state, a fire fox appears as a fox formed from flame, with an increased set abilities (numbers in parentheses at right) and attacks as a 5 HD monster. In material form, the creature’s sole attack consists of a rather benign bite, doing only 1-2 points of damage. However, in its fiery form, a fire fox is able to attack a target with its two burning paws and fiery bite (3 attacks doing 1-6/1-6/2-12 points respectively,) or “throwing” fireballs from it’s mouth (1 per melee round,) doing 3-12 points of damage with each fiery missle. The intense heat radiated by the firefox in its elemental form will do 2 points of damage to all creatures standing within a 10’ radius nearest the fox, and 1 point of damage to all creatures standing within the next 10’ around the first. In both its material and elemental forms, a fire fox is immune to poison and all flame- or heat-based attacks. While transformed (in elemental state only,) a fire fox is immune to normal weapons, and can only be hit by magic weapons or spells. | Oe/1E STATS FREQUENCY: Very Rare NO. APPEARING: 1-6 ARMOR CLASS: 5 (3) MOVE: 12” (24”) HIT DICE: 3 % IN LAIR: 25% TREASURE TYPE: C, U NO. OF ATTACKS: 1 DAMAGE/ATTACK: See below SPECIAL ATTACKS: See below SPECIAL DEFENSES: See below MAGIC RESISTANCE: See below INTELLIGENCE: Very ALIGNMENT: Neutral SIZE: S (2’ at shoulder) PSIONIC ABILITY: Nil Attack/Defense Modes: Nil BX STATS ARMOR CLASS: 5 (3) HIT DICE: 3** MOVE: 120’ (240’) ATTACKS: See below DAMAGE: See below NO. APPEARING: 1-6 SAVE AS: Fighter: 2 (F:5) MORALE: 6 TREASURE TYPE: C, I (x3) ALIGNMENT: Neutral |
Thursday, April 5, 2012
A-to-Z Challenge, E: Emerald Stinkbug (New Oe/BX/1E Monster)
Some of you may recognize today's illustration as one of my earliest illustration of the week posts, specifically from December 6 of last year. Though I originally intended it for use in Starmasters, it really seemed a natural for a D&D monster. This one feels particularly Moldvay Red to me. Maybe it's because it's a giant insect, or just kind of a simple idea, or (most likely) it's because it's rather benign as monsters go (which is par for Moldvay's course, especially compared to some of the nastiness in Gygax's Monster Manual.)
Emerald Stinkbug
Emerald Stinkbug
![]() DESCRIPTION Emerald stinkbugs are giant insects with a snout-like nose and an iridescent green armored exoskeleton. They are omnivorous in that they eat smaller bugs as well as fruits and flowers. When eating bugs (ants and the like,) they suck them up through their snout, much as an anteater does. They similarly use their snout like a straw when eating fruits and flowers, the remains of which not only become quickly rotted, but poisonous as well, causing anyone who eats them severe nausea and cramping for approximately 24 hours. They tend to make their lairs in burrows under small hills near areas with rich wild vegetation. While their natural green coloration provides them some visual camouflage (all “to hit” rolls against at -3 while “hiding” in brush), their natural pungent natural odor (a mix of burning rubber and rotten cheese) eliminates any ability to surprise. The main offense and defense of an emerald stinkbug is the ability to emit a cloud of corrosive breath that is 10’ wide, 20’ long and 10’ tall. Any creature caught inside the cloud must save vs. breath weapon, which only reduces damage to half of normal. Additionally, emerald stinkbugs are immune to the effects of poison and acid (breath) attacks of all forms. | Oe/1E STATS FREQUENCY: Rare NO. APPEARING: 5-50 ARMOR CLASS: 2 MOVE: 15” HIT DICE: 2 % IN LAIR: 25% TREASURE TYPE: R NO. OF ATTACKS: 1 DAMAGE/ATTACK: 2-12 SPECIAL ATTACKS: Breath weapon SPECIAL DEFENSES: Poison and acid immune MAGIC RESISTANCE: Standard INTELLIGENCE: Non- ALIGNMENT: Neutral SIZE: S (3’ long) PSIONIC ABILITY: Nil Attack/Defense Modes: Nil BX STATS ARMOR CLASS: 2 HIT DICE: 2** MOVE: 150’ ATTACKS: 1 breath DAMAGE: 2-12 NO. APPEARING: 5-50 SAVE AS: Fighter: 1 MORALE: 8 TREASURE TYPE: M ALIGNMENT: Neutral |
Wednesday, April 4, 2012
A-to-Z Challenge, D: Dwarf, Red (New Oe/BX/1E Monster)
I had originally intended to make today's "D" post a "Double-shot of Dwarves", with a black dwarf also being listed. But, that's how life goes, I suppose. For reference, the black dwarves are very sophisticated and most of them have spell/magic capabilities, compared to the barbaric, magically incapable red dwarves detailed below.
Dwarf, Red
Dwarf, Red
![]() DESCRIPTION This barbaric race of dwarves have unruly reddish-brown hair, eyes so red they seem to burn like fire, and teeth so black as to appear like little bits of coal. They are stouter and more muscular than standard dwarves, and all but ignore social conventions like hygiene or manners. Red dwarves are migratory, living a sem-nomadic life as they move biannually between climatic zones, normally establishing their seasonal lair in natural caverns in rocky hills. Red dwarves commonly enlist the use of trained bears to act as both pack animals and lair guardians. For each 6 members in a clan, there will be one black bear in service to that clan. Their nomadic lifestyle does not provide the same mining expertise of normal dwarves, giving them none of the benefits of that expertise (detecting passages, new construction, etc.) Red dwarves will either be completely unarmored (no armor, no shield; 50% of the time) or will wear leather armor and carry a shield (50%). The members of a group are normally armed as follows:
For every 8 red dwarves that appear in a group, there will be an additional leader type (as "clan leader") with hit dice 4+6 (saving at 2 levels higher than a normal red dwarf) and wearing leather armor carrying a shield (AC: 6). If more than 20 are present, there will be an additional red dwarf phratry leader (as "chieftain") with hit dice 6+8 (saving at 4 levels higher than a normal red dwarf) wearing +1 leather armor and carrying a shield (AC: 5). If encountered in their lair (or caravan, as above) there will be additional females and young with 50% and 25% of adult male stats respectively. Red dwarves are generally hostile to other races, including other types of dwarves, and are extremely competitive with red dwarves from other clans (even within the same phratry). While many red dwarf clans maintain "unspoken" alliances with one another, a red dwarf clan will rarely hesitate to abandon any sort of allegiance to another clan in deference to the good, well-being, and benefit of their own. This hostility towards other races includes the dwarven hatred of goblins, hobgoblins and orcs, giving them a +1 bonus "to hit" against them. Furthermore, their barbaric nature provides them with a battle rage, increasing that bonus to +2 whenever 5 or more of these creatures are present. Additionally, when a leader is present (and alive) their morale is 12 rather than 10. Their training in fighting giant-classed monsters also affects such creatures (ogres, trolls, giants) gives them a -4 "to hit" penalty when fighting red dwarves. All red dwarves also benefit from a +1 damage bonus with all hand-to-hand weapons (due to strength). While red dwarfs have a natural resistance to poison and magic (per higher than standard save), they are incapable of magic use (i.e., "spells") or psionics. Red dwarves speak their own dialect and any creature who speaks the normal dwarvish language will only understand 50% of what is being said (+5% per INT point above 13). Red dwarves also speak the standard dwarven dialect, as well as the language of goblins and orcs. There is only a 25% chance that a red dwarf will speak the common language. | Oe/1E STATS FREQUENCY: Very Rare NO. APPEARING: 4-40 ARMOR CLASS: 6 MOVE: 6" HIT DICE: 2+4 % IN LAIR: 50% TREASURE TYPE: Individuals: M (x2); in lair: G, Q (x10), R NO. OF ATTACKS: 1 DAMAGE/ATTACK: 2-9 or by weapon SPECIAL ATTACKS: See below SPECIAL DEFENSES: Saves at 4 levels higher (see below) MAGIC RESISTANCE: As above INTELLIGENCE: Low to average ALIGNMENT: Lawful evil SIZE: S (4' + tall) PSIONIC ABILITY: Nil Attack/Defense Modes: Nil BX STATS ARMOR CLASS: 6 HIT DICE: 2+4 MOVE: 60' ATTACKS: 1 weapon DAMAGE: 2-9 or by weapon NO. APPEARING: 4-40 SAVE AS: Dwarf: 2 MORALE: 10 or see below TREASURE TYPE: Individuals: K (x2); in lair: G, M (x4) in lair ALIGNMENT: Chaotic |
Tuesday, April 3, 2012
A-to-Z Challenge, C: Cyprian Centaur (New Oe/BX/1E Monster)
Thanks to all that have been visiting my site over the last few days and leaving comments. It is greatly appreciated. Also, my sincerest apologies for not responding to any of them directly (yet.) I've been slammed with work and personal commitments, and it's all I can do to just get these up every day. Thanks for understanding.
Cyprian Centaur
Cyprian Centaur
![]() DESCRIPTION Cyprian centaurs appear as normal centaurs, with the addition of bull-like horns growing from their heads, and a slight advantage in size and muscle over the standard variety. This added size and muscle does make them slightly slower, however. Unlike the standard breed of centaurs, cyprian centaurs are generally friendly and less savage when dealing with other sentient creatures. Additionally, standard centaurs see the cyprian breed of centaurs as “unlike” them and, therefore, a natural enemy. In bands, one-quarter of the cyprian centaurs will be armed with pole-arms (2-handed, 2-12 points damage/attack), one-quarter will be armed with spears (1-8 points damage/attack), one-quarter will be armed with composite longbows and 10-40 arrows (32” range, 1-6 points damage/attack), and the rest will be as leaders (AC 3) with shield and lance (1-8 points damage/attack). All cyprian centaurs may attack twice during each melee round, once with their hooves and a second time with their weapon or by making a gore attack with their horns (2-8 points damage/attack). Cyprian centaurs prefer to live in tribes away from other civilizations, preferring warm areas with mild winters, usually near coastlines or on secluded islands. Females of the breed (which will outnumber males in their lair by 2 to 1) will fight as 3 hit dice monsters (1-4/1-4/1-6/1-4 or by weapon type), and the young (4-20 in number) as 2 hit dice monsters (1-2/1-2/2-4/1-2 or by weapon type.) | Oe/1E STATS FREQUENCY: Very Rare NO. APPEARING: 3-18 ARMOR CLASS: 4 MOVE: 15” HIT DICE: 5 % IN LAIR: 25% TREASURE TYPE: I (x2), Q (x2), X (x2) in lair NO. OF ATTACKS: 2 DAMAGE/ATTACK: 1-8/1-8/2-8/1-8 or by weapon SPECIAL ATTACKS: Nil SPECIAL DEFENSES: Nil MAGIC RESISTANCE: Standard INTELLIGENCE: Average ALIGNMENT: Neutral good SIZE: L PSIONIC ABILITY: Nil Attack/Defense Modes: Nil BX STATS ARMOR CLASS: 4 HIT DICE: 5 MOVE: 150’ ATTACKS: 2 hooves/1 gore/1 weapon DAMAGE: 1-8/1-8/2-8/1-8 or by weapon NO. APPEARING: 3-18 SAVE AS: Fighter: 5 MORALE: 9 TREASURE TYPE: H, I (x2), L (x2) in lair ALIGNMENT: Lawful |
Sunday, April 1, 2012
A-to-Z Challenge, B: Batar (New Oe/BX/1E Monster)
DESCRIPTION A batar (pron. “bat-TAR”) is one of a species of giant flying creatures with a rodent-like body, bat-like wings, and a face and beak that resemble an owl. Batars normally make their nests in natural cave formations of the dry mountainous regions they inhabit. Batars are predatory in nature, and quite cunning as well. Their agile bodies and acute vision allow them to surprise on a 1-3 (on 1d6.) Additionally, batars have a special type of infravision (to 100’) that provides them a radar-like depth perception, allowing them to attack at night or in the dark with a +1 bonus “to hit.” While the sharp talons on the fore-limbs of a batar are quite dangerous, it is a batar’s beak that makes it truly deadly. On an unadjusted “to hit” roll of 20, there is a 1 in 2 chance that the batar will sever one of its victim’s limbs clean from its body, doing full damage (18 points) in the process. Otherwise, damage is determined as normal. | Oe/1E STATS FREQUENCY: Rare NO. APPEARING: 3-18 ARMOR CLASS: 7 MOVE: 15”/24” HIT DICE: 5 % IN LAIR: 25% TREASURE TYPE: I NO. OF ATTACKS: 3 DAMAGE/ATTACK: 2-8/2-8/3-18 SPECIAL ATTACKS: See below SPECIAL DEFENSES: Nil MAGIC RESISTANCE: Standard INTELLIGENCE: Very ALIGNMENT: Neutral SIZE: L (20' wingspan) PSIONIC ABILITY: Nil Attack/Defense Modes: Nil BX STATS ARMOR CLASS: 7 HIT DICE: 5 MOVE: 150’/240’ ATTACKS: 2 claws/1 bite DAMAGE: 2-8/2-8/3-18 + special NO. APPEARING: 3-18 SAVE AS: Fighter: 6 MORALE: 8 TREASURE TYPE: I ALIGNMENT: Neutral |
A-to-Z Challenge, A: Adarna Bird (New Oe/BX/1E Monster)
Yep. You guessed it. My goal is to post 1 new monster a day for the next month. Add that to the creatures I've already compended, that makes the chances pretty good for some sort of "official" publication (print/PDF) as Mr. Schmeer inquired about in that same post.
Just a couple of disclaimers before I get started for the month. First, my apologies to the A-to-Z folks for my redesign of their logo for my use (my version at right; feel free to save and use if you prefer this version.) Second, some the creatures and some of the illustrations that will appear in these posts may be based wholly or in part on images that reside in the public domain.
Without further ado, I present... the letter A!
Adarna Bird
Just a couple of disclaimers before I get started for the month. First, my apologies to the A-to-Z folks for my redesign of their logo for my use (my version at right; feel free to save and use if you prefer this version.) Second, some the creatures and some of the illustrations that will appear in these posts may be based wholly or in part on images that reside in the public domain.
Without further ado, I present... the letter A!
Adarna Bird
![]() DESCRIPTION The adarna bird is a magical creature of such fantastic beauty as to almost seem unreal to those who do see it. All non-sentient creatures or sentient beings with an intelligence of 12 or less will be unable to see an adarna bird, even if one should be inches from their face. All other sentient beings have a 10% chance per intelligence point above 12 to see any individual adarna bird. The true wonder of the adarna bird, is the way it magically changes colors after it finishes a song. For those unable to see an adarna bird, any singing by the adarna will appear to surround the person who cannot see it (origin point unknown), and does not increase the bird's chances of being seen by those creatures. Those who are able to see the adarna bird will hear the sound as emanating from the bird as normal. Furthermore, the song of the adarna bird is hypnotic and any creature who hears it must save vs. magic or be entranced into a sense of stupefaction for the duration of the song (usually 2-5 turns.) Every time the adarna begins a new song, all must saving throws must be made again. Should an adarna bird find itself endangered, it will attempt to fly away while releasing a piercing shriek. All creatures within earshot of the shriek must save vs. breath weapon or stand stunned for 1-4 turns. Furthermore, its magical properties allows the adarna bird to save as a 5th level magic-user. The adarna bird is most prized for its quills which, when used to create a scroll for the prismatic orb spell, doubles the scribe's chance for success. | Oe/1E STATS FREQUENCY: Very Rare NO. APPEARING: 1 ARMOR CLASS: 3 MOVE: 6”/24” HIT DICE: 1/2 % IN LAIR: 25% TREASURE TYPE: Nil NO. OF ATTACKS: 1 DAMAGE/ATTACK: 1-2 SPECIAL ATTACKS: See below SPECIAL DEFENSES: See below MAGIC RESISTANCE: Saves as 5th-level MU INTELLIGENCE: Animal ALIGNMENT: Neutral SIZE: L (3’ long + 2’-3’ tail) PSIONIC ABILITY: Nil Attack/Defense Modes: Nil BX STATS ARMOR CLASS: 3 HIT DICE: 1/2 MOVE: 60’/240’ ATTACKS: 1 peck & gouge DAMAGE: 1-2 or by special NO. APPEARING: 1 SAVE AS: Magic-user: 5 MORALE: 6 TREASURE TYPE: Nil ALIGNMENT: Neutral |
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