From the definite extraplanar bent these adventures are taking, you can probably tell this is all going to be related to the Basic Guide to the Planes. This is really going to play a big part in the Xumaltet adventures (yes, plural adventures).
Xumaltet is really going to be more of a hex crawl as a module, with small self-contained (but very interwoven) adventures (the majority of which will be designed to play out within a single game session). Xumaltet will answer this question from Vault of the Faceless Giants... "Are there other planar rifts?" For now, that's all I'll say.
These horrid creatures appear as a tentacled slime littered with staring eyeballs. The eye slimes were originally created by Juiblex to aid in his quest for dominance of the 99th plane of the Abyss. However, over the ages, many of these abominations have slipped into the Material Plane, mostly from the Slime Pits (the 457th layer of the Abyss, Juiblex’s home realm where they eye slimes are bred). In combat, an eye slime lashes out against a single opponent with a barrage of tentacles, doing 2d4 points of damage on a successful “to hit” roll. On a natural 20, the eye slime will succeed in grappling its opponent, and do an additional 1d6 points of squeezing damage. Every round thereafter, the eye slime will continue its hold, doing 1d6 points of damage per round until the victim or the eye slime is dead. A +1 or better weapon is required “to hit” an eye slime, and they take half damage from bashing weapons. Additionally, they are immune to acid and cold, though the latter will slow them to half movement for 2d4 rounds. Because an eye slime has 360° vision, it is never surprised except by invisible creatures (or similar), and thieves get no bonus for striking them from behind. However, an eye slime saves vs. blinding effects with a –5 penalty. | Oe/1E STATS FREQUENCY: Very rare NO. APPEARING: 1-3 ARMOR CLASS: 4 MOVE: 12" HIT DICE: 4 % IN LAIR: 25% TREASURE TYPE: Nil NO. OF ATTACKS: 1 DAMAGE/ATTACK: 2-8 SPECIAL ATTACKS: See below SPECIAL DEFENSES: See below MAGIC RESISTANCE: Standard INTELLIGENCE: Average ALIGNMENT: Chaotic evil SIZE: M PSIONIC ABILITY: Nil Attack/Defense Modes: Nil BX STATS ARMOR CLASS: 4 HIT DICE: 4-8* MOVE: 180'(60')//60'(20') ATTACKS: 1 DAMAGE: 2-8 or special NO. APPEARING: 1-3 SAVE AS: Fighter:4 MORALE: 10 TREASURE TYPE: Nil ALIGNMENT: Chaotic |
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