Affinity Field | Range: 0' (psionicist only) Duration: 1 rd./psionic level Area of effect: 20' radius |
This ability creates an affinity feedback loop between the psionicist and all creatures (friendly or hostile) within the area of effect. While the duration lasts, affected creatures take all damage (including ability damage) and heal all wounds as the psionicist does. Hit points gained or lost persist after this duration ends. Creatures in range are also subject to magical and psionic effects of 3rd level or lower. Creatures that have an affinity with the psionicist gain a saving throw against each harmful effect transferred through the affinity field as if the power were manifested upon them normally. All magical and psionic effects transferred to subjects fade at the end of this power’s duration, although instantaneous effects remain. If the psionicist suddenly becomes immune to a particular effect or power, that immunity cannot be transferred to creatures that have affinity with the psionicist. This duration of this ability begins on the round following its initiation. |
Hustle | Range: 0' (psionicist only) Duration: see below Area of effect: personal |
With the use of this ability, the psionicist is able to move up to the his or her full movement for the round and use a psionic ability requiring concentration. The duration of the ability is 1 round per 3 psionic levels plus 1 round, beginning on the round after this discipline is initiated. |
Anchored Navigation | Range: 0' (psionicist only) Duration: 6 turns Area of effect: personal |
Allows the psionicist to know where he or she is in relation to a fixed starting point, which is essential for setting up a mishap-free teleport beacon. While the duration lasts, the user is aware of his or her exact distance and route (physical or psychoportive) back to a fixed starting point. The “anchored” starting point is the exact location when the power was initiated. To designate other anchored starting points, the psionicist must manifest this power multiple times and be present at the desired locations when this is done. This ability allows users the ability to retrace their steps through a maze automatically while the power lasts, without resorting to a map. The use of anchored navigation is confined to the plane of existence where it was initially manifested. |
Concealing Amorpha, Greater | Range: 0' (psionicist only) Duration: 3 turns Area of effect: 20' radius |
As the psychokinetic minor devotion concealing amorpha, but the ability grants the user total concealment. Attackers cannot target the psionicist directly (in combat or with targeted spellcasting); they may only attack into the general area where they believe the user to be located, with a 50% chance of failure, even on a successful “to hit” roll. This same chance to “miss” also applies to targeted spellcasting, but not area effects. |
Concealing Amorpha | Range: 0' (psionicist only) Duration: 3 turns Area of effect: 20' radius |
Using concealing amorpha, the psionicist weaves a quasi-real membrane around themself. The psionicist remains visible within the translucent, amorphous enclosure. The distortion provided by the rippling membrane encasing the psionicist’s form grants the user with concealment. In combat, opponents have a 20% chance of missing the user, even on a successful “to hit” roll. This same chance to “miss” also applies to targeted spellcasting, but not area effects. When covered by the membrane, the psionicist can pick up or drop objects, easily reaching through the film. Anything held by the psionicist is enveloped by the amorpha. Likewise, the user can engage in melee, make ranged attacks, and manifest powers without hindrance. |
Bestow Power | Range: 30' Duration: instantaneous Area of effect: 1 psionic creature |
Allows the psionicist to link his or her mind with another psionic creature’s mind, creating a brief conduit through which mental energy (PSPs) can be shared. With a single use of this ability, the psionicist may transfer from his or her reservoir to the recipient a number of PSPs, not to exceed the user’s psionic level. Furthermore, the recipient's PSP reservoir may not exceed his or her normal maxiumum. Due to the intimate nature of this power, it cannot be fabricated into a psionic item. |
Call Weaponry | Range: 0' Duration: see below Area of effect: 1 weapon (see below) |
This ability allows the psionicist to call a weapon “from thin air” into his or her waiting hand. The weapon is, in fact, a real weapon hailed from another location in space and time. The psionicist need not see or know of a weapon to call it as it doesn’t call a specific weapon; the psionicist specifies only the kind of weapon. The weapon is made of ordinary materials as appropriate for its kind, but is distinctive due to its astral glimmer. A called weapon is treated as a +1 magic weapon in regard to “to hit” rolls, but does not provide any damage bonuses. If a projectile weapon is called, it comes with 3d6 nonmagical bolts, arrows, or sling bullets, as appropriate. The weapon is usable only by the psionicist that called it, and may only be of a type usable by that psionicist (e.g., a mystic may call only a dagger, but a dromite may call any type of weapon usable by that character class). If a grip on the weapon is reliquinquished for 2 or more consecutive rounds, it automatically returns to wherever it originated. If handed to another character, the weapon return immediately. A melee weapon will remain for a duration of 1 turn. A projectile weapon will remain until the last projectile is fired or for a duration of 1 turn (whichever comes first).. |
Third Eye. Beginning at 3rd level, a devine gains a permanent third eye. While it precludes the use of third eyes (as psionic items), it does provide the devine with a number of permanent abilities based on his or her level, including the following:
– 3rd Level: infravision to 120'
– 5th Level: ability to see into the Ethereal Plane
– 7th Level: psionic true seeing
All of these abilities are usable concurrently if the devine so chooses.
Detect Planar Natives. Beginning at 4th level, a devine gains the ability to sense the presence of planar natives to a radius of 360' (if in the same plane as the devine). This ability works through all materials except iron, and includes bound creatures (e.g., through magic jar or in a soul gem). The type of being detectable depend on the level of the devine as below:
– 4th Level: Ethereal natives
– 6th Level: Astral Natives
– 8th Level: natives of the inner/outer planes
Devines are unable to detect the presence of natives of the Shadow or Dream Planes.
Extra Limbs. Beginning at 9th level, a devine gains access to the use of an extra pair of arms. These arms take 1 round of concentration to manifest and they remain for 3 turns, though the devine may dismiss them before the end of that duration. From 9th through 11th level, this ability is usable 3 times per day. Beginning at 12th level, it is usable 5 teims per day. These arms provide one additional one additional attack per round (as outlined below), but do not allow the use of a second shield:
a) 1 additional melee attack per round with a 1-handed weapon against the same opponent as the first attack (made with a separate 1-handed or 2-handed weapon) or
b) 1 additional arrow attack per round against the same target as the first attack, using the same bow as the first shot
While manifested, these extra limbs provide the opportunity to wear/use additional magic items (e.g., bracers, gloves, rings, etc.), increase the amount of weight a character may carry/lift/drag by 25%, and provide a +3 bonus to any Strength check or grappling attempt.
Banishment. Beginning at 10th level, a devine gains knowledge of the psychoportative discipline banishment. The devine may use this ability at will, but with the same PSP cost as a mystic (3 PSPs per use).
Concurrent Use of 2 Attack Modes. Beginning at 11th level, a devine may use 2 attack modes concurrently. The PSP cost for each is the same as normal. Victims must make separate psionic saving throws for each or suffer the effects of each attack as normally prescribed.
Concurrent Use of 2 Defense Modes. Beginning at 13th level, a devine may use 2 defense modes concurrently. The PSP cost for each is the same as normal. The benefits provided by the concurrent modes do not stack; instead, the more beneficial option of the 2 modes employed is used for the sake of determining saving throws, and the more beneficial option of the 2 modes employed is used for the sake of determining effects on a failed saving throw.