
Thursday, September 20, 2012

Community Geomorph Project Update:
1st-round Conversions

As I mentioned in my last update, I'm trying to get one page of submissions converted every day, with the hopes of being through the majority of the submissions by mid-October.

About four days ago, that schedule was beginning to look pretty grim. Work started to get crazy and I started to look at that "one page per day" goal disappearing quickly in my rear view mirror. But thanks to a break in the storm, I used today to catch up, and now have 10 completed (that's 1 per day since my last post!)

Right now, I'm trying to get through each person's submissions in a single stretch. I got through Christian Sturke's 2 submissions easily and started plowing through the almost 20 submissions from Boric G. With 8 of his 19 behind me, I'm not even technically half-done with his submissions. It's strange to think that it might be October before I am.

I'd like to keep slogging through the redraws and get the entire herd complete before I start sending out PDFs to everyone for review/approval... for 2 reasons: 1) I think it will help me keep the process streamlined, and 2) I might do some "re-arranging" of some geomorphs between any individual person's pages for thematic purposes (e.g., putting all the person's temple geomorphs on one page, and putting all their cavern geomorphs on page, etc.) I think this will aid tremendously when it's time to order the pages (and create a TOC) for the final book.

If the folks who've submitted (and plan on submitting) don't mind, I'd like to find a way to tie in to Dave's (from Dave's Mapper) IBD fundraiser. I know the original intention for the Community Geomorph Project was to create a free PDF for open distribution, but maybe we could change this to a for-pay PDF through RPGNow with proceeds going to the IBD fundraiser. (I'm open to better/alternate suggestions on this, so all thoughts/suggestions welcome.)

Which brings me to my next topic... Dave has already asked about everyone's geomorphs being part of his mapper. I didn't want to respond for everyone, so I was going to get everyone's okay on this during the review process, and then provide any "approved" files directly to him.


  1. Cool with me on both requests IF I get a copy of the PDF. Yeah, I'm greedy that way, but as a poet, I'm used to getting paid in copies.

  2. I agree that all contributors should receive free copies of the PDF (especially knowing the original intention was to create a free download). I do have a thought regarding this... what if free and pay PDFs are available through RPGNow. The link to the free download is "private" and distributed only to/by contributors (up to them to self-regulate its use), and the general public sees the pay version (as a "public" page). But if we keep the cost low ($2), we maybe do our best to accomplish both goals (compare this to DCC's geomorphs which sell for $6.99 in PDF form).
